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Our dogs

Eva a Hana Vobornikova
Namest nad Oslavou

Photo of the month



International dog show in Brno on 27.06.

The judge Javier Fernandez Sanches from Spain. At this show I was only with Asi and my grandmother´s cairn Dan.

Dan was excellent third, the judge of cairns was Jiřina Volšická.

Asi showed with his brother Armin, Asi won this class with excellent 1, CAC .

Assing Irater Irsias

Armin was on second place with very good 2.

Armin Irsias

For the first time I handled Draggi´s son Dermot Paluduz in champion class. Dermot won this class with excellent 1, CAC.

Fot the title CACIB (best dog) our Asi was handled by Jana Müllerová and I can see Asi „from the second side“ for the first time. The judge said to Asi that he needs time, so the title CACIB got Dermot.

Asi - excellent 1, CAC, reserve CACIB
Dermot - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB

In intermediate class were Azaria and Pitlochry´s Grand Cru, both were excellent. Winner was Azaria and won the title CACIB too.

Azaria Irsias - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Anette Grey Fi It - excellent 1, CAC, reserve CACIB

Winners males - Asi and Dermot

Dermot was Best of breed (BOB).

Dermot, Azalka, Eliška a tygr

Draggi´s son Dermot

excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Photos by: Olga Brandová