About us
Our dogs

Eva a Hana Vobornikova
Namest nad Oslavou

Photo of the month



Cairn terrier puppies - four weeks old

Today, we’ve celebrated four weeks….

… we rest…

…we play…

…they’d released us from our lair. It had been quite interesting and unnusual, but still, we’d stuck with our mother…

In our lair, we’ve been playing all the time…

…we’ve got new toys…

They also presented us with something new, but tasty…

...but from our mother, it’s still the best…

…"you got it"….

…with mother at our lair – sleeping zone…

… I’m going to see, what the mother is about…

…nothing left…

..the last game before sleeping…

…mother lair is the best…

Bonnie, Bella and Gina…



…I will eat you….

… but the mother’s milk is above all…

Bella and Gina

…Come on, let’s play!....

This week, we’ve met irish wolfhound Kesi and the deerhounds…

It’s me, blue, Bilbo Mambo, with aunt Randis….

Seen me walking?...

Hi, uncle Asi…

Me, Red, Bella, is also walking…

…with aunt Molly….

… with Kesi and Asi….

… with aunt Randis will be fun, but we have to grow up a little…

It’s me, pink Bonnie…
Have you ever seen that big foot?

…wau, that’s some interest!....

…with Molly…

…and Randis…

It’s me, green Boo-Boo, but I’ve to check the situation first…

… those feet are really big ones…

… I really insist on not being cared that much!

Look forward to next week. We don’t know, what discoveries we will make!