Randis enjoyed the gravidity all the time, going for walks ...
...and resting...
...she had demanded this every day...
...small deerhounds grew fast ...
...and we were waiting on new puppies...
...the Nature commanded the same as it did to Terinka or Gina ...
...and Randis sought out the best lair for her puppies, this time under the barn, which is being gradually deconstucted….
...and because of being found, she was forced to return to the lair, we’d prepared for her…
...she rearranged it as she saw fit almost immediately...
...then she tried terrier lair under the table, shutting off the computer and entlangling herself into the wires, it did not matter to her at all….
...like Gina before, she went under the dinning table, where terrier gave birth to her last puppies…
...finally, she was persuaded to try out that uninteresting birth box...
... then there was first boy - Orange
...then his brother Yellow...
...then first girl – wine red...
...so there were three...
after some time, two more girls were added - gray and mix (white/black/blue)
…that made up to five...
then Green brother...
and in the morning Khaki brother...
How many of us are there??? Careful reader knows it ...
Let’s try to count us ...